Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Day Twenty Two and Twenty Three.

     Well, I'm done!! I'm excited to be done and have finished but I really enjoyed these past three weeks so I feel kind of weird about stopping. I started this fast because I wanted to rely on God for my only source of comfort and well... everything else. To be totally committed to God and willing to give all of myself for His purpose and because that is the only way I can truly live and live abundantly. I've loved learning to depend on God's word and to soak in it as I go through each day and the difference it makes in my day. I read the Bible before, but I it was more of reading a book then reading the living word. Claiming that living Word is part of walking in the Spirit and choosing to act through Him instead of acting out of my flesh. And while I'm a little nervous to stop because I don't want to fall back into walking by my flesh and feeling trapped, I know that I can always choose the Spirit over my flesh and always claim that freedom, regardless of where I am. I needed to do this fast and I don't think it was coincidence that I did it when I did. I'm excited for a new year and leaving behind the old. I was made a new creation when I accepted Christ as my Savior, but I was still holding on to my sinful ways, Christ saw me as new, but I didn't. As I enter into a new year for me, I'm ready to claim the newness and forget my former ways. I am new and I am free only through Christ and nothing I can do on this earth can give me that feeling. That is why I can't focus on the things of this world but the things of the Spirit. This is way jumbled because I have so many thoughts and emotions bumbling inside my head. I began this fast to draw closer to God and I know it won't be my last. I feel refreshed and and excited about continuing to grow with God, all of Him, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and excited for whatever may come because I know I can always have perfect peace in Him. This fast has also gotten me to journal a lot more and I definitely think that has had an impact. It gets me to focus more on what I'm thinking and look at it more in depth to help me understand it more even though it might sound like rambling to others who read it. I can't say I enjoyed every moment of this fast, but I loved doing it and I know it won't be my last. 

          "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland."

                                                           Isaiah 43:18-19

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