Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day Thirteen and Fourteen.

             I missed yesterday but its okay because I probably would have just said the same thing! I weighed myself yesterday and though this is not only about the body, this is the first thing I've done where I have actually lost some weight. Its amazing what one can do when they don't focus on themselves and turn their attention toward Christ in order to accomplish their goals. I began this fast to experience the freedom from the traps of this world and that can only be found in Christ and I'm blown away each day by how much more I'm learning and experiencing. How when I asked God to take control and help me walk in the Spirit in one aspect of my life, and He gives so generously to help me in all the other areas. How when He takes control and reveals His power, it is not to make me feel more powerful, but quite the opposite, leaving me completely humbled and in awe of who He is. The food part of this fast is not too difficult anymore and I'm learning some things I want to make a part of my every day life. Not to say its been easy sticking to the restrictions and putting aside the want for those foods I usually enjoy. Today I went out to lunch with my family and we went to a Mexican restaurant where they had little food that was "Daniel fast approved" and I had to fight off the thought to just end the fast there many times. I felt a little guilty because I had rice which is okay, but I wasn't sure how it was cooked or exactly what kind it was. I felt a little bad for a little while but then I remembered Romans 8:1, no condemnation. While I am restricting what food I eat, God doesn't put any restrictions on us, this is my choice and my actions that I have put restrictions simply as a physical devotion that reflects my spiritual devotion. Actions that I hope will show my commitment to God as I try with all my heart each and every day. 

          "Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this"
                                                                   Psalm 37:5 

           "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"
                                                                 Matthew 7:11

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