Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day Ten.

             I think this is the longest I have ever stuck with some sort of diet change. I usually give up two or three days into it thinking it doesn't really matter, but this does matter. This is not just about me, and its not just about the outside which is what I was trying to change on all the other diets I tried. I'm learning to take verses and apply them, to write them on my heart as God's word that was written thousands of years ago still brings me to tears today. Memorizing the verse not just to memorize it, but because I repeat it over and over through out the day and use it to call on God and His strength. The Bible is not some archaic book that has no relevance today or something hard to understand. Its living and never dies, it gives me strength, it helps me learn about this awesome, incredible God, and it fills me up. This fast has helped me grab on the The Word and cling to it in order to equip me for everything I will face. It will sustain me, it will bring me closer to God when I feel far awayit will never fail. True Christianity is not something you can pick apart and only take the parts you feel like doing, its all or nothing. Well in order to have a real relationship. You can't say "well I don't really understand the Holy Spirit and He can make things kind of weird, but the God and Jesus thing is okay so I'll just stick with them." If you do, your missing out. Or one I hear a lot is people who believe in God but just think Jesus to be a good teacher, NO. If He was a good teacher and you believe in the things He teaches, why disregard the one fact that is most important that you don't believe just because it makes you a little uncomfortable. But anyways, my point is that I can't expect to find all the things God promises on the simple fact of believing in Him, yes that's a big part, but it takes devotion and sacrifice and walking out what His Word tells us. God is a pretty big deal, all of Him, and following Jesus takes commitment, I don't know where people got the idea He is a once a week type deal. Not trying to be rude, but it frustrates me the way people see God and the people who follow Him. I don't want a god I can just put on or rely on sometimes, I want a King of Kings and a Lord of Lords I can surrender wholly to and know that He wants the best for me because He loves me. I don't want a religion I can practice once or twice a week, I want a relationship that I can grow in every day of my life. 

    "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of the soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts of the heart." 
                                                   Hebrews 4:12

        "But He answered, "It is written: Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
                                                   Matthew 4:4

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