Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day Twenty One.

         Today should be my last day of the fast based on Daniel fasting for three weeks, but I want to enter in to my first day as an "adult" doing something bigger than myself. I don't know why, its kind of silly. I'm also a little scared to stop. I don't want to go back to my old bad habits and let go of this freedom I've been feeling. It's kind of ironic how having the freedom to eat whatever I want could just make me feel trapped all over again. I knew of it before and heard about it, but I never actually claimed the freedom that God offers for myself. My own sin was keeping me tied down and I was too selfish and wrapped up in it to let it go. If only I could have seen before that the freedom is so much better than any momentary gratification I got from the sin I had such a hard time surrendering. We get so wrapped up in our own lives and pleasing ourselves that before we know it, were cuffed to our ways and putting our desires, our gods, before the One True God. If I have learned one thing from this fast its that the only way to freedom, true freedom, however ironic it is, is total and complete surrender. Its difficult to force yourself to focus on God instead of your own wants, but what God offers is so much better than any pleasure sin can offer. Saying sin might throw some people off because they don't think a lot of what they do is sin. But looking at God's standards most of what I do and think would be considered sin in God's eyes. That's why He sent His Son. He knew we fall into sin so easily and can't keep His standards, so Jesus took all that on Him so we could be forgiven and be connected to the God who loves us so much. Without Him, there is no ability to overcome our sin and no freedom. It is only be giving up myself and Him coming in, that I can be free. The more I let go and become one with Christ, the more my mind can focus on the things God wants me to focus on, not the things of this world.  The thing I have to remember constantly is it is only by, through, and in Him that I can do anything pleasing to Him. Turning the "I" into a "we" and anything is possible.
So two more days...

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