Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Day Sixteen and Seventeen.

        I began this week thinking it was going to be a lot easier or it was going to to be really hard. Its a little bit of both. Its kind of hard to explain but its been easy because I feel good that I've done this, the hard part being that I keep having to fight of thoughts of just stopping. The chocolate covered strawberries and the chocolate chip cookies my mom keeps laying around the house are also not helping silence that whispering but screaming voice. There will always be temptation around me, its how I respond to it that makes it a victory or a fall. I was getting frustrated these past couple days because I was responding out of my flesh. My flesh really wanted a cookie so I got mad that I couldn't have it. I was used to satisfying that want by doing it and then wanting another and another and so on. Instead of turning my attention away from myself and my desires of this world and choosing to walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit takes practice and my body is going to revolt a little because it craves sin, it was born into sin and that was all it knew until Christ came in. It's kind of weird talking about my body as if its separate from me but it kind of is. Not that I'm comparing myself to God, but just as God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit but all three are still God, I am a body, soul, and spirit, but I am still me. Its going to take discipline to train myself to walk in my spirit which is committed to God, instead of letting my body control my decisions because it will always want the things of the flesh. Part of the reason I was getting upset was because I wasn't setting time apart to get into the Word and revamp so to speak. I can't expect myself to be able to overcome the things of this world when all I have is my power, because I have none. If it weren't for Christ and His strength in Me, I would be hopeless, there would be no way I could quiet the voice in my head that tells me to just do whatever I want to do when I want to do it. If I'm not daily seeking God the One who is Holy or set apart from this world, there is no way I can be set apart from this world. It is only by Jesus' blood that I am made holy, so I have to make a choice and claim it every single day. The only victory I have is through Christ and by Christ. It is not by power or strength, but only by His Spirit.

   "So he said to me, "This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty."
                                                       Zechariah 4:6

   "Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak."

                                                       Matthew 26:41


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