Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day Seven.

       One week down! I've been kind of in a slump these past couple of weeks and today it just sort of lifted. God replaced my bitterness, not that I had anything to be particularly bitter about, but He replaced it with joy. I found myself getting upset over the littlest thing and made such a fuss about it. Not necessarily saying it, but complaining in my head, "Oh well that's one more thing I have to do", kind of in a "poor me" mood. Which is so silly because I don't have one single thing I should be complaining about, even if it is only to myself. Continuing the pity party will never lead me to joy. When I started this fast, I had the mindset of "I have to do this". But I really don't have to do this. I want to do this. God didn't put any requirements on are relationship with Him, He doesn't require us to fast, but He does want us, all of us, body, spirit, soul. Fasting is my choice as a way to give more of myself to Him, and try to give all of myself. I started the day off in prayer and prayed through out the day and it didn't make it a "frolic through the flowers" type of day, I had frustrating moments all the same, but after some worship I truly feel joy. I was thinking today of some of the experiences I've had and how food has gotten in the way of making that experience all it can be for me. Well this is it, my prayer for this fast is that that will never happen again and I can live in exactly what Jesus offers, complete FREEDOM.

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
                                                  John 8:36

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