Friday, February 26, 2010

Day Five.

         Alright, well today was a little difficult. Well maybe not difficult, a little frustrating because I felt myself going back to some of my bad habits, just still eating Daniel fast foods.I was home for a lot of the day so it was just kind of a habit to snack and just grab a handful of something. I'm happy that I'm sticking to it and this is my first fast so I don't want to get disappointed, but I need to refocus. I read my bible and pray at night but its the same that I did before I began this. I'm making the physical change of what I need, but now I need to make a change in the spiritual sense. I want to start devoting more time to pray and seeking God, and also start my day pursuing Him. Making the change spiritually will affect every other aspect of my life. I want to be a living sacrifice and I've already been made "acceptable" to God because of the blood of Jesus, but now I want to be pleasing.

  "Therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice,  holy and pleasing to God; this is your spiritual worship."
                                                             Romans 12:1

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