Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day Two.

      Today was good, I'm excited that I got through the second day. I think I'm going to say that every day! At one point during the day I felt a little bitter that I couldn't just have what ever I wanted when I wanted it, but it made me realize how much I do, for me, and for my comfort. I thought about how much trust I actually put in God. With a society that is based off fulfilling the individuals need, its easy to fall in the all about me state of mind, and with little need to rely on God. In my day to day life, people can rely on themselves more so than if they relied on God for their basic needs as so many people do. How many times have I disrespected God by telling Him how much I love Him, but still relying on myself and thinking I'm more capable to handle my own problems? 
 "I love You and trust in You, but not really because I still want to handle my own issues and live the same way I'm living." 
  God wants all of me, not just the times when I feel like loving Him, or the problems I decide to give up, everything. This was kind of a tangent, but I guess it goes along the line of truly loving and living for God, and that means being willing to let go of myself, my desires, and my comfort zone. Then God can come in and make my wants, His desires for me, which is way better than anything I can come up for myself. So I'm excited for the rest of this fast, and learning more about total surrender to God's will and living in His love with no limitations. 
Just some versus that I'm holding on to...
     Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.
                                                            Matthew 4:4
       Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
                                                            Romans 12:2

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